CEIPA’s Discussion on World Affairs and Diplomatic Relations – The role of India as a non-aligned country on UN and international level during Russia’s war against Ukraine

Part of a series of interviews on European and World Affairs. Ambassador Pierre Vasen, a holder of a degree in international law, is a well known and highly respected Belgian diplomat serving Belgium in a number of politically important and sensitive spots of the world. His opinion on and initiatives … Read more

Highlights from the Ceipa Conference on “The Mantra of Rule of Law”

Highlights from the Ceipa Conference on “The Mantra of Rule of Law: Will the Conditionality in dispersing Substantial EU Funding Improve Freedom of the Press and Democracy?”   Zoom conference 16th December 2020. For CV’s of the panelists and background for the conference, please refer to this article The rule of … Read more

CEIPA Video Conference – The EU Mantra of Rule of Law: Will the Conditionality in Dispersing Substantial EU Funding Improve Freedom of the Press and Democracy?

The EU Mantra of Rule of Law: Will the Conditionality in Dispersing Substantial EU Funding Improve Freedom of the Press and Democracy? The Centre for European and International Policy Action, CEIPA, organised a debate which took place on the 16th December 2020 from 2pm to 4pm, CET, via the Zoom … Read more

A message to the NGOs, civil society and academia delivered during the International Expert Round Table on “RESILIENCE versus VULNERABILITY- how to break the Cycle of Human Trafficking and Exploitation in the Digital Age” taking place in the European Union’s Representation in Vienna, 27 September 2019

from CEIPA Executive Director Peter von Bethlenfalvy, The Centre for European and International Policy Action (CEIPA) wishes to express its gratitude to the Regional Implementation Initiative on Preventing and Combating all Forms of Human Trafficking, in particular to Dr Helga Konrad, former Federal Minister in Austria, for this timely and unique … Read more

Report from CEIPA’s Round Table “European Elections 2019”

by Jelena von Helldorff On 22 May 2019 and in cooperation with the Regional implementation Initiative on Preventing & Combating all Forms of Human Trafficking in Vienna, CEIPA convened a roundtable discussion on the current migration debate in Europe. The event brought together over 30 participants from EU institutions, EU … Read more

The Marrakesh Compact

Em. Prof. Marc BOSSUYT (University of Antwerp) The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, adopted in Marrakech on 11 December 2018, is not a treaty and thus not a legally binding text. As stated explicitly in the Global Compact, it presents (point 7) or it is (point 15, … Read more