Internship opportunity at Ceipa (CLOSED)

CLOSED  –Website coordinator – We are looking for a dynamic intern to coordinate and inject new ideas into the CEIPA website. The website coordinator will work  closely with the finance director, the executive director, the executive secretary and the president of CEIPA. Your tasks: – enhance the current website to maximise traffic; –  update content on the CEIPA … Read more

The Interface of Migration, Human Trafficking and Slavery ; Round Table Vienna Sept 29, 2017

International (Expert) Round Table: Re-branding Human Trafficking.   The Interface of Migration, Human Trafficking and Slavery in cooperation with the Center for European and International Policy Action CEIPA, the EU Strategy for the Danube Region EUSDR, the Vienna Office for Human Rights and ACT.NOW   Vienna (Haus der Europäischen Union) on 29 … Read more

In memory of Bob Taylor

Bob (Robert) Taylor, Vice-President of the Centre for European and International Policy Action (CEIPA),  left us for ever on June 12, 2017   Bob was widely known to colleagues, policy makers and academics in Europe and beyond as a superbly well informed and knowledgeable analyst of European affairs.   Over … Read more

CEIPA Round Table on Migration “Fostering business, Investment and Economic Cooperation” Event in support of the European Development Days 2017; 8 June 2017

CEIPA EVENT  On 8 June, 2017 from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm The main auditorium of CBL-ACP,  Rue Montoyer 24,  1000 Brussels INVITATION CEIPA Round Table on Migration Agenda; “Fostering Regular Migration, Development and Economic Cooperation” Event organized in support of the European Development Days 2017 Dear  friends of CEIPA, I am … Read more

International Round Table “Beyond Human Trafficking & Modern Day Slavery”

The International Round Table “Beyond Human Trafficking & Modern Day Slavery, Turning Global Threats and Challenges Into Prospects” was held on June 17th, 2016  in Vienna, at the Haus der Europäischen Union. Renowned experts, researchers, practitioners and stakeholders looked at the evolving nature of human trafficking, exchanged views and up-to-date … Read more

International Round Table: “Decent Work for Everybody and Combating Child Trafficking & Exploitation in Europe”

Registrations are now open for the upcoming international Round Table on ‘Preventing Human Trafficking through Decent Work for Everybody and Combating Child Trafficking & Exploitation in Europe’, taking place on September 30th, 2016, from 9 am to 4 pm in Vienna, at the Haus der Europäischen Union, Wipplingerstraße 35. The event … Read more

The externalisation of the EU Migration and Asylum procedures

CEIPA proposal for the establishment of a an extra territorial approach to refugee protection and orderly resettlement The idea of an external asylum procedure has been already discussed in the EU at policy level. This includes refugee resettlement and the implementation of regional protection programmes. A study supported by the … Read more

Round table: “Who’s in the driver’s seat? The EU migration crises between hotspots, quotas and border management”

CEIPA has announced its next Round Table “Who’s in the driver’s seat? The EU migration crises between hotspots, quotas and border management” on February 23, 2016, from 2.00 to 5.30pm at the Instituto Cervantes, Avenue de Tervuren 64, 1040 Brussels. The mass immigration and the continuing influx of refugees, asylum … Read more