RESILIENCE versus VULNERABILITY International Expert Round Table on 27 September 2019, Vienna, Haus der Europäischen Union



How to Break the Cycle of Exploitation and Human Trafficking in the Digital Age

where internationally renowned experts will provide recent research findings and practitioners will share their experience and expertise in working with women, men and children affected by exploitation and human trafficking in countries of origin, transit and destination, with a view to encourage and trigger more effective ways of breaking this vicious cycle.

The focus of the discussions will be on the interaction between the strengthening of individual resilience and the protective measures offered by service providers and other stakeholders, as well as on the policies and resources made available, by taking a closer look at the influence and implications of new technologies in improving current anti-trafficking (and migration) systems.

Please find the draft agenda of the event attached and at our website:

or under the direct link:

Registration is obligatory and will be open until 23 September 2019.

Please register by clicking at the following link, or by coping it into your browser:

Looking forward to your participation,

we remain with kind regards

Helga Konrad & Team

Regional Implementation Initiative on

Preventing & Combating Human Trafficking

(IDM Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe)

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